If you’re curious about activism, you came to the right place.

Our mission at the Freya Project is to share stories that reveal new points of view and evoke empathy, all while raising money for small, community based organizations that uplift women and non-binary people.

There is a tangible and urgent shift in our nation, and our goal is to be part of that progress. We hope you will join us in whatever way you can — whether it’s listening to what our readers have to say, learning about the organizations we support, or making a donation.

 We need the support of our community to uphold the progressive values that are essential to building a better world.

If you need a place to start, or are curious about issues that concern you and your friends and family, we can help you find a way to do something about it. Browe through our compiled resources above, and explore our recent posts. They are full of writing and guides for everyday activism.

We hope that by joining us, you will feel welcomed into our community of people who care about progress, too. We hope you will become part of this community that champions important causes and the writers who give voice to them. Mainly, we hope you will join us because being part of positive change can be a joyful and sustainable experience available to anyone.

More ways to learn & get involved: